About Us

Welcome to DietniAI! We are a dynamic blend of passionate nutritionists, seasoned software engineers, and creative AI experts. Our team is dedicated to revolutionizing how people approach diet and health by providing personalized menus and tracking tools to help individuals reach their desired weight and improve their overall well-being

DietniAI's Commitment to Excellence

We proud to be trusted by individuals and organizations alike to create transformative nutritional experiences using DietniAI's innovative technology.

Amazon AWS

Synergy of Science and Technology

Our nutritionists bring a wealth of knowledge, ensuring our solutions are rooted in scientific evidence and tailored to individual needs. Our engineers, experts in AI and machine learning, develop intuitive and user-friendly tools that simplify complex dietary data into actionable insights. Together, we create a synergy of technology and nutrition expertise, aiming to empower individuals in their journey towards healthier lifestyles.

Join Our Mission

Our team, a dynamic blend of passionate nutritionists, seasoned software engineers, and creative AI experts, is dedicated to revolutionizing how people approach diet and health. At DietniAI, we believe in the power of technology to personalize nutrition, making healthy living accessible and enjoyable for everyone.

  • Adrian.D


  • Mila.R


  • Emma.H


  • Ethan.D


  • Michael.T


Join the personalized nutrition revolution with DietniAI.

DietniAI is a great company to work with. I would recommend them to anyone looking to achieve their diet goals. - Ruby Rivera

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